Parenting Programs
build parenting skills, strengthen family relationships and increase their confidence.
Tuning into Kids –
Emotionally Intelligent Parenting
A 6-week parenting program that helps parents/carers to support their children to learn to manage and understand their emotions. To promote better emotional, social and physical functioning.
Currently not running.
Parent-Child Mother Goose
Together parents/carers and children (0-5 years) experience the delight and magic that comes from enjoying favourite songs, rhymes, and stories.
Currently not running.
Triple P –
Positive Parenting Program
Triple P (Level 4) helps parents/carers to build good relationships with their children, and support them to manage emotions, communicate and develop.
Currently not running.
Bringing up Great Kids
BUGK promotes and supports respectful, caring and nurturing relationships between parents/carers and their children.
Currently not running.
The Anxiety Coach –Managing Anxiety and Building Resilience
Anxiety Coach is a child development course that aims to support you and your child through the ups and downs of life. It is what we call a ‘parent-led’ approach, meaning that you take on the role of the coach in your child’s life, and are able to guide them through emotionally distressing episodes.
Currently not running.
You can book into any of these programs by either calling us on 9626 5312 or emailing us at
Parenting Program Events
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